Premature optimization is, indeed, the root of all evil

This is a story of how I cycled through various technologies only to end up back where I started. I’m sure you’ve read a lot of stories about why people shouldn’t be always going for the latest and greatest technology when it comes to creating software. I did, but I realized recently that I didn’t actually learn from these stories. This whole thing started when I became part of a project that I had a stake in....

May 30, 2018 · 5 min · 992 words

The world building of John Wick is some of the best I’ve ever seen

I just watched John Wick: Chapter 2 a few days ago. I’ve never watched the first movie before then, but I figured it was alright to watch the second movie since most action movies don’t require a lot of knowledge of the story of either the prequels or the world to appreciate them. As expected, it didn’t really take a lot of context to watch the movie. I made a few assumptions of things that happened in the first movie to fill in the blanks....

February 12, 2017 · 4 min · 766 words

Things I’ve learned from organizing a large-scale event

DevCon Summit 2015, a 2-day developer conference that had over 1500 attendees, ended a few days ago. I was part of the organizing team which consisted of 60+ volunteers - The largest team we’ve ever had at a DevCon event. It was a really bumpy ride for everyone. Mistakes were made, and a lot of things were learned during the event. The event opened my eyes and made me appreciate how hard events productions can be....

November 16, 2015 · 7 min · 1449 words

Heneral Luna. Not your usual Pinoy movie

Just watched Heneral Luna and it definitely lived up to the hype that it got from the people in my network. As someone who found Philippine history to be boring during school (let alone almost fails the class), I probably would have been more interested if this movie were to show during my school years instead of just now. The story telling is incredible, the pacing is just right and it had a good amount of comedy mixed in between the scenes....

September 20, 2015 · 2 min · 232 words

Things I learned about switching jobs frequently

I entered the professional world last November 2011. I’ve been working for more than 3 years already and I’ve had 4 jobs during that time span. While it looks pretty bad and intentional on paper, everything just happened coincidentally. I lasted a few months to almost a year in the jobs that I had previously, but I just got past the 2 year mark with my current job. I felt like collecting my thoughts here and make a couple of points about what I’ve learned after all that has happened:...

June 10, 2015 · 4 min · 647 words